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Original Poster:

782 posts

273 months

Wednesday 5th October 2022
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Well! Been a while! About 15 years. My Wedge passion went the way of the 6R4 in 2007! However I’m keen to locate a couple of my cars to see if they may be for sale.
My yellow, SEAC that went to Holland and owned by Corno. B5EAC if I recall correctly. Be great to hear about it and see if it’s for sale.
Also my first, of many Wedges, G***NFM 350i. It was with with a red interior when I had it but the DVLA say it is now black. Once again I’m keen to see if it’s about and if it may be for sale.
Garry. Tasmania as was!


1,850 posts

153 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Don’t know how recent this is but There’s a yellow seac on this website on Dutch plates - can’t be too many yellow seacs in Holland surely !!
There’s a contact page on there too - let us know how you get on
Also try the TVRCC the current owner may be a member

Edited by Rockettvr on Thursday 6th October 05:56


3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Paul King bought the yellow SEAC a few years back so it's back in the UK now and looking lovely. Paul has a number of Wedges including a yellow FHC and a baby blue 400SE. I think his son also owns a Wedge!

Edited by KKson on Thursday 6th October 07:13

Edited by KKson on Thursday 6th October 09:26


1,196 posts

273 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Hi Garry, I remember meeting you at Bruntingthorpe when you had your SEAC. I had a white 400se which I still own. Might be worth joining some of the group's on Facebook, that's where most people reside these days.


Original Poster:

782 posts

273 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Superb. That’s the one


Original Poster:

782 posts

273 months

Thursday 6th October 2022
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Thanks All.
I see that the SEAC is back on the plate I got for it. Wry special car. Shame I didn’t get the option to buy it back as promised! Hey ho. I hope the new guy likes it.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 7th October 2022
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More to the point, what is Corn(holi)o doing now????

I miss those guys!


40 posts

67 months

Thursday 22nd December 2022
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Corno is in Ireland now I can put you in touch if you wa t