Just took my 350i Plenum Chamber off....

Just took my 350i Plenum Chamber off....



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Tuesday 4th October 2022
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I am in the process of fixing oil leaks on my 350i, specifically rocker covers and valley gasket. When I tool the plenum chamber off I was met with this...

Has anyone ever seen this before? I couldn't have dislodged the intakes when I removed the plenum, indeed there was no noises when I did, and the one that was completely out of its seating was a tap fit so I couldn't have moved it anyway! Also the tubes are not all a tight fit and I can easily remove them. Is this normal?


21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 4th October 2022
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Yes, it's been reported before. Just the epoxy resin no longer holding in place.

Classic Chim

12,424 posts

159 months

Tuesday 4th October 2022
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But your plenum base is very clean which is a very good sign so glue them back in wink


2,239 posts

220 months

Wednesday 5th October 2022
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Yes, a common issue, including my SEAC when I had a peek a few years ago. Fixed using Loctite 648.


10,677 posts

235 months

Wednesday 5th October 2022
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Neatly & squarely cut off 35mm from the end of each one before resetting in place.

I found the same when I took the plenum off my 350i.

May as well as a thermal gasket underneath too.

Then a wrapped alloy elbow for the intake in lieu of the canvas tube.

Edited by mk1fan on Wednesday 5th October 18:38

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 7th October 2022
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I have the proper glue for these, it's Loktite stuff, it is out of date but each bottle is sealed and still works well.

Let me know if you want one, I had this problem on the 400SX exacerbated by supercharger inlet temperatures, but the Loktite did the job.