TVR 350i Interior Lights... When do they work??

TVR 350i Interior Lights... When do they work??



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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In the back of my 1988 350i there are two interior lights, one on each side. They are the common rectangular type and each has a switch on. With other cars I have had the switch is one way for permanently on, middle for on when doors are opened, and ther way for permanently off. My TVR lights seem to be either on all the time or off all the time with no optio for on only when the doors are open. TBH I haven't investigated further yet and I suspect dodgy wiring or switch but I just wondered if anyone can confirm the "switch one way for permanently on, middle for on only when doors are opened, and ther way for permanently off" assumption is right?

At least then I will know what I am aiming for!!


17,306 posts

193 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Not familiar with Wedges but usually those (often Ford) lights are constant off in the centre position. Pull one out and you should be able to see what's going on.


3,443 posts

135 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Hi, as above the light has three positions. Centre is off, and outer positions should be permanent on, or courtesy switch on. My SEAC has five lights. Two above the footwells, one either side of rear bulk head plus one on the front rail of the folding roof.

Jordie Barretts sock

6,018 posts

29 months

Monday 26th September 2022
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Yeah, I can confirm my Chimaera has middle off, either side is perm on or door switched.


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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Thanks to everyone for your answers. I had guessed that was the answer. I suspect one of the door switches isn't breaking when the door is closed so the lights are staying on when the doors are closed. I will investigate further!!


4,390 posts

292 months

Tuesday 27th September 2022
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On my '86 280DH I was unable to install LED bulbs, (12v directionally, and (in simple terms) the diodes that they are, is my thoughts) and I struggled to stop the door pins dropping off the trim button (packed by washers as shims) that height set the pin switches which are mounted in their own trimmed plates. The other issue was the delay relay (that might of needed load from the standard bulbs) that turns out the lamps as you turn the ignition on (but only if you have the doors shut), seemed to get confused until I had all 4 units wired correctly. A@

Edited by Adrian@ on Tuesday 27th September 10:29

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 30th September 2022
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keynsham said:
Thanks to everyone for your answers. I had guessed that was the answer. I suspect one of the door switches isn't breaking when the door is closed so the lights are staying on when the doors are closed. I will investigate further!!
On a 350i, sometimes they don't install a proper striker button for the switch to press against, so it presses on the door card, which is pliable.
Over time, the switch isn't pressed in enough. I installed a metal shim on my door card where this happened. (just a 1" x 1/2" piece of metal folded over on itself). Sorted!