do the big wedges have central locking?

do the big wedges have central locking?



Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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do the big wedges have central locking? If so mines buggered. Lucky if I can sometimes open the passenger door.

Also has anyone experienced the door opening by itself upon winding down the electric window. Very scary for the girlfriend at 100MPH around a bend!

Stu Turner 400 SE


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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After noseing at the insides of my old wedge, there was a lot of thin metal rods from handle to latch etc, could the window have come into contact with the opener one?


2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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Mines always had central locking, remote door opening and immobilsiser. It was sufficiently vintage that I suspect it was there from new.

I relaced the system as the old one was cr@p. It kept locking me out (luckily I always had the roof down) plus immobiliser could be completely disabled by pulling out the alarm fuse located on top of the battery.

Now I've got a nice Cat II Thatcham approved jobbie


14,946 posts

281 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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Mine doesn't have it!
Think it was an option

Andy 400se


Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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Mines always had central locking, remote door opening and immobilsiser. It was sufficiently vintage that I suspect it was there from new.

I relaced the system as the old one was cr@p. It kept locking me out (luckily I always had the roof down) plus immobiliser could be completely disabled by pulling out the alarm fuse located on top of the battery.

Now I've got a nice Cat II Thatcham approved jobbie

Hi Nacnud,

It's duncan if I'm not mistaken?
Hi this is stu, I think we met at donnington in september, is yours the sky blue 450SEAC?


Where did you get it from, how much did it cost and how did you fit it?

Cheers, Stu Turner (Navy Blue 400SE with back to front central dash!)


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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If the car already has an alarm system, there's usually a trigger pulse output that can be fed to a central locking control module. All you would need is the c/l module and a pair of motors.
Piece of cake. See if you can identify the alarm system, then ask an installer what colour wire you should be looking for.
From memory a c/l module is about 40 quid and motors less than a tenner each from Maplins, or zip-all if you can fit them down your socks at the scrappy...



12,670 posts

291 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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Yes, I can reach both doors!


15,763 posts

281 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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Mine had it ,,, it did not work all that often , but it had it fitted


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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yakduzi said:
It's duncan if I'm not mistaken?
Hi this is stu, I think we met at donnington in september, is yours the sky blue 450SEAC?


Where did you get it from, how much did it cost and how did you fit it?

Cheers, Stu Turner (Navy Blue 400SE with back to front central dash!)

Hi - that's me !

My alarm was fitted by Peninsula who have proven remarkably adept at tracing and fixing a number of bizarre wiring problems on my SEAC. Give them a call and see what they say.


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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yakduzi said:Cheers, Stu Turner (Navy Blue 400SE with back to front central dash!)

Had any more trouble or are you happy bunnies ?

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Thursday 24th October 2002
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My 450 SE is a pretty much a 'bare bones' 450 -- no central locking or interior piping, both of which were TVR options at the time of production.
