280 steering column jammed when replacing bush

280 steering column jammed when replacing bush



Original Poster:

1 posts

30 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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Hi, I have just replaced the bulkhead steering bush on a TR7 style column (1984) and a bad thing seems to have happened. I think I pulled the wheel out too far and it now won't go back in again. I think that the steering lock may be causing the problem, I have turned the ignition on but still can't get it back in. Any ideas please?


13,798 posts

269 months

Monday 19th September 2022
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Don't know the column specifically but as you say the lock is a prime suspect.
In most cases if you have the key in you can remove a pin or a lock screw and withdraw the lock barrel.
With that out you should be able to get at the lock with a magnet or some-such.



1,002 posts

170 months

Thursday 22nd September 2022
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i performed ths repair several times and this ever happend..i always pulled the column out as far as possibe.

this said, i hope you not only replaced the (useless)plastic bush, instead made the upgrade with the industrial flange-bearing?