Too Damm Cold!

Too Damm Cold!



Original Poster:

26,477 posts

269 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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Anybody Know how to get all that heat out of the engine bay and into the cockpit of my 350? Ive driven it every day for the past six years but this will be the last winter unless i can upgrade the heating. Ironically ive just spent 200 quid on twin 13" Kenloe fans to cure overheating problems!! Ive had some improvement by blocking off the air intake grill and removing the rubber cover in bonnet near the latch (might have to fit a carbon monoxide alarm as my manifolds leaking) All help appreciated.



36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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What year is it? air lock in the heater matrix, or heater valve under the bonnet broken, as mine did once. Lever moves but valve still shut. Or as mine does now but stuck open.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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Wear more clothes, put the hood up?

Seriously check that the heater matrix is actually getting warm, and check for air leaks in the quality boxing/piping that are allegedly a heating system.


PS I have a woolly hat and gloves - sorted

david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Sunday 20th October 2002
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If you have had overheating problems has the water stat been changed for a lower one? With your new fan system you could put a higher one in. You could also have two stage cooling now!


3,799 posts

290 months

Monday 21st October 2002
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Have a look on the wedgpages site, I posted a few things on this subjectunder the maintence tips section.



6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2002
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danny hoffman said: Wear more clothes, put the hood up?

PS I have a woolly hat and gloves - sorted

Did you know driving on the public Roads with Gloves on is illegal ? Not usually enforced, but ilegal. (in a car anyway).


1,559 posts

286 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2002
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jvaughan said:
Did you know driving on the public Roads with Gloves on is illegal ? Not usually enforced, but ilegal. (in a car anyway).

That seems the most unlikely 'strange-but-true' I've ever heard. Is this a recent law or a hangup from the past? I'm sure the chauffeurs of vintage Rolls' would have had something to say over this (or Penelope Pitstop, or Prisoner No.6).

>> Edited by Jarcy on Tuesday 22 October 11:53

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 22nd October 2002
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Any lawyers want to confirm, I would want to get pinched for that driving a TIV - I would never live it down!


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 24th October 2002
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yep ... its up there with its illegal to drive bare footed !

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 24th October 2002
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I knew about the bare feet


26,901 posts

276 months

Friday 25th October 2002
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Anyone know if they ever actually repealed the law requiring a chap with a red flag?
I believe there is still a byelaw that requires taxi drivers to carry a bale of straw for their horse.
I'd have thought a length of 2 by 2 would be more useful to cabbies these days... along with a driving license... and some manners... WHY do they persist in sitting outside honking? Can they not get off their fat arses and knock on the door?




Original Poster:

26,477 posts

269 months

Friday 25th October 2002
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Thanks for the replies guys,
only just read them as ive been to chilly Swansea for the week.Gloves on and waving at speed cameras!!
The matrix does get warm but not enough. Its a "D" reg.
Standard stat etc, Will try a higher rated one. If its an air lock how do i get rid of it?

JJ wilko

9 posts

277 months

Friday 25th October 2002
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I have got a tear in the fabric cover around the gearlever and warm air streams out at a greater rate than the heater -means taking a knife to your probably beautiful leather but, hey,comfort over looks.........


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 25th October 2002
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I have seen drain taps fitted to the heater pipes where they enter the bulk head. Getting one fitted on my next service. I assume that that is the highest point in the system you can get at, so handy to get rid of air?


377 posts

271 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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I live in Swansea. It's not that cold. Have a 350i D reg. Just come back from touring northern France today ,where it was freezing ans pi***ing down. But the heater worokrd a treat.
You could always remove the Rubber and leather gearbox gaitors and let the hot air up from the silencer (should keep you warm if you don't cough to death)

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Saturday 26th October 2002
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You will get fumes in the car if the gearlever gaitor is split. My 350i is much more pleasant to drive now I have replaced it.