Hot Wire fuel injection.

Hot Wire fuel injection.



Original Poster:

66 posts

59 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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I can see the old workshop manual pages for Rover V8 flapper type fuel injection (via the German TVR Car Club site)......
(no idea why the title includes Griffith, Chimaera) but can't see any reference to the later Hot Wire system which is what I'm looking for (for my late 400SE).

I don't do Facebook etc.

Could anyone provide a link to similar workshop manual pages or better still could an expert post a new topic " How Rover V8 Hot Wire Injection Works in Plain English" and make it a sticky above.

Would be a great addition (and help).


Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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What ECU is fitted, do you have an image to post?


4,017 posts

191 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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Our very own Mark Thompson has this on his excellent Ginetta site

a good place to start.


13,798 posts

268 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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I can also provide a Chim/Griff wiring diagram which for the fuel injection side of things should be pretty much the same. PM me.



Original Poster:

66 posts

59 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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Mine's got the Hot Wire system so it uses the 14CUX ECU. - No image.

Spitfire4v8: that is a very useful link - thanks. That Mark Thompson bloke certainly is excellent!

Steve D:
Thanks for the offer of the wiring diagram. I don't think I'll need it (famous last words) but I'll keep it in mind for future reference.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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Ok then, thought it best to check first

Here's a diagram below that's very similar to the majority of them, the Steve D diagram is not to be missed as it's by far the best