

Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Hi all,

Wondered if there should be bezels around my headlamp units? As there isn't any at present on mine?
My car is an 86 s2.


colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Yes it should have them. Very hard to find


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Are they not std 7" bezels then? Pressure not?


397 posts

112 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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None around mine, that said they are never up only for the MOT mainly, and the odd driver seat test.
I am not sure that the fixing for the retaining screw is even present.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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Yes they should have bezels and no they're not standard units as these would catch on the pod. Dom Harris was looking into getting some 3D printed. The originals are light weight plastic. I think I've got one spare down in the garage.


4,390 posts

292 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
quotequote all
KKson said:
Yes they should have bezels and no they're not standard units as these would catch on the pod. Dom Harris was looking into getting some 3D printed. The originals are light weight plastic. I think I've got one spare down in the garage.
Keith, I would be interested in purchasing the one to work on getting some made/making some myself, I need two for my DH, I have started on making a mould but I have no idea what I have to create other than making specials for mine ATM. A@


324 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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What bezels exactly are we talking about here? Does anyone have a photo?


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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It's the outer ring that goes over the headlamp bowl. It's not retaining ring thet sits behind it.


4,390 posts

292 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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From memory, (when I had the cars back when I was a child). These are silly vacuum formed items that have two screws that mount them, (nothing metal/brass fit) and almost half height to any metal item. In effect they hide the chrome workings of the headlamp. My '86 DH has never had them as there are no holes in the pod from where they were fitted. A@

Edited by Adrian@ on Wednesday 7th September 12:19


397 posts

112 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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Shows the surround here:

Also shown In the wedge parts manual.

Guess that's another thing missing for me. Never in the up position so not overly bothered.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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Adrian@ said:
Keith, I would be interested in purchasing the one to work on getting some made/making some myself, I need two for my DH, I have started on making a mould but I have no idea what I have to create other than making specials for mine ATM. A@
Hi Adrian send me a private message with your address and I'll post it over FOC. Its no use to my Toledo headlamped SEAC. Cheers.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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A few pictures of the bezel. Two rebates for fastening screws.

Edited by KKson on Wednesday 7th September 19:52

Edited by KKson on Wednesday 7th September 19:52


324 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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Looks like an ideal item for 3D printing?


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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keynsham said:
Looks like an ideal item for 3D printing?
Dom tried it but found it almost too thin to maintain any strength in the copy.


4,390 posts

292 months

Wednesday 7th September 2022
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Keith, You are brilliant, I will email my address. I cannot say when I will get around to do these (I have lots of things happening, but, as it has been made once it can be made again. It is the again and again that is the problem. I like the idea of creating/taking a curve on making my own vacuum forming machine. A@


13,798 posts

268 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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I've made a mould for these.
They are not the prettiest of things but work well for the purpose (hiding the chrome bits and fixings.
