350i Rear Gearbox Mount

350i Rear Gearbox Mount



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Monday 29th August 2022
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Is it an easy job to change the two rubber support bushes at the back of the gearbox on a 350i? Mine are past their best!


2,739 posts

210 months

Monday 29th August 2022
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I always go with “if you can see it, it’s an easy job” lol

Not too tricky that 👍


397 posts

112 months

Monday 29th August 2022
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Yes fairly easy, they screw into the gearbox housing, so will need to get the rear of the box high enough to achieve the unscrew part. The nut removal is a little fiddly, may also need to unbolt the driveshaft.


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Monday 29th August 2022
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Ha ha! I have only just bolted the driveshaft back on!! Never mind. The reason I wanted to change them is because my exhaust seems to be pretty rigidly fixed to the car. Some cars have exhausts that almost flp about but the two bobbins on the centre box and rear supports make for a very firm attachment. The previous owner has had the exhaust manifold welded as one cracked and I was thinking that if the exhaust is quite rigid but the engine/gearbox mountings are old and flexible, then that doesn't make for a good combination and could have caused the manifold to crack. I don't want it to happen again if at all possible!!!


397 posts

112 months

Monday 29th August 2022
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To be honest my exhaust is pretty rigid all along as well.
As for prop, you only need to separate the gearbox end it can then be moved off to one side.


7 posts

62 months

Saturday 3rd September 2022
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Hi Keynsham.
I changed the gearbox mounts on my 400SE without having to remove/ disconnect the prop shaft.
Think I had my engine on a trolley Jack as was changing my engine mounts at the same time.
Chris x

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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I found some mounts that are male/female instead of male-male. This makes it much easier to change, and also to pull the gearbox or gearbox+engine later, because you just take out a bolt and have no protrusion.


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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adam quantrill said:
I found some mounts that are male/female instead of male-male. This makes it much easier to change, and also to pull the gearbox or gearbox+engine later, because you just take out a bolt and have no protrusion.
I have seen them advertised too and that is a very good idea!!