Internal fan

Internal fan



Original Poster:

26 posts

101 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2022
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Just looking for suggestions in case people have come across this before

No air at all comes through the vents - when I increase the blower speed I can hear a faint sound of a blower increasing but still nothing at all comes through the vents

It’s not so much an issue as I only drive it in the sun with the hood down but still I’d like to fix it so just thought I’d check before I start my investigation

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2022
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They have never been the best.they work on 2 plastic paddles that get stuck


Original Poster:

26 posts

101 months

Wednesday 24th August 2022
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Are they easy to access?

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Saturday 27th August 2022
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It's a bit fiddly. As they slide in a slot.not the best idea tvr had