Headlamp motor

Headlamp motor



Original Poster:

52 posts

48 months

Tuesday 16th August 2022
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Hi All,
A while ago one of the hinge bolts fell out of the n/s headlamp pod whilst driving. The pod just dropped. I then stupidly tried to lower lights and raise lights again whilst on the move to resolve the issue. The n/s pod jammed, made a bad noise/smell until I was able to stop the car and disconnect the battery. From underneath I was able to replace the bolt and rectify the issue.

At least I thought it was rectified. Yesterday that pod gave me problems again. It goes up ok, but not down. When going down it stops half way, vibrates and makes a clicking sound. If you push it a bit, it will then fully retract.

Before I rip it apart, my guess is that the initial incident damaged the plastic gears and eventually they have failed. I will need a new motor. What do you think?


colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Tuesday 16th August 2022
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Hi mark
I gave stripped mine down time after time to get them to work.and it lasts a few months then stops..I am thinking of looking at the mx5 motors or mr2 if they will fit