After having to top up the water once a week i decided to investigate. Spent ages checking swan neck, header cap, various pipes. Then found it to be a tiny hair-line crack on the bottem of the thermostat housing, obviously not visible until i removed it as a last resort. YES I DID PRESSURE TEST BEFORE, but it never showed up. Hope this helps others with a similar problem, its worth a check and easy to access. what else can u do in the rain!!
I'm singing in the rain,
Just singing in the rain;
What a glorious feeling,
I'm happy again!
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above.
The sun's in my heart,
And I'm ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place;
Come on with the rain,
I have a smile on my face.
I walk down the lane
With a hap-hap-happy refrain,
Singing, just singing in the rain...

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