Electric aerial fuse?

Electric aerial fuse?



Original Poster:

1,850 posts

153 months

Sunday 17th July 2022
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Hi all
Having issues with electric aerial- ie it doesn’t work !!
Checked the 3 connections at the aerial
1. black - earth Ok
2. Blue - trigger(switched) live from radio Ok
3. Red with blue trace - power supply - no voltage
All works ok if I run a feed from battery to the red with blue trace connection

Checked fuses in glove box all seems ok

Is there another fuse somewhere or is it fed via a relay somewhere???

Edited by Rockettvr on Sunday 17th July 11:50


2,715 posts

175 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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Normally the power supply would have an in line fuse.


Original Poster:

1,850 posts

153 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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Any idea where ???
Wiring at aerial end goes straight into the loom
If it’s not part of the fuse board in the back of the glove box I’m struggling to think where it might be ?? Tucked in with the relay board possibly???

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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Best just put a new feed in.you can be chasing wires all day.did they have electric aerial as standard


2,715 posts

175 months

Monday 18th July 2022
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Yes as suggested I would run a new wire to the fuse box but use an in line fuse for safety. It would be much easier than chasing old wires through the loom etc.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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Find the fault, running new cables to fix faults is a step backwards, if there is wiring damage somewhere there could be more on the way out

Chances are aerial cables run with the coaxial cable to behind the head unit


2,715 posts

175 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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There is a power supply to the boot for the electric ariel from new via the loom and the ariel supply is connected to this with a sensitive in line fuse to protect the mechanism and for safety. If there is no power at the supply from the loom in the boot, there is either a break in the wire somewhere in the loom or the fuse is faulty. Tracing a break in the loom and fixing it is difficult if not impossible. Good luck if you go down this route.This is the reason why I personally would run another wire to the fuse box using an inline fuse.

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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Good to see you back with us tony


2,715 posts

175 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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colin mee said:
Good to see you back with us tony
Yes thanks. Took a few years out but had withdrawal symptoms not having a Wedge for so long, and so I’m back with a 350i fitted with a 4 litre engine. Very good performance and very good condition. As all TVR’s there’s room for improvement but that’s part of the fun.

Edited by ElvisWedgeman on Tuesday 19th July 18:26

Edited by ElvisWedgeman on Tuesday 19th July 18:27

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Tuesday 19th July 2022
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Looks great when you have finished it will be mint .colin


1,223 posts

270 months

Wednesday 20th July 2022
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I'm heading off to work or I'd look this up...

When I replaced mine with a generic unit I leaned (after returning one as not working) that the "logic" for wiring the antenna had changed over the years. IIRC, I had to abandon one wire and jump another at the plug behind the radio head. There is a post on here with the details. Just a thought. Grady


79 posts

80 months

Wednesday 20th July 2022
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This link suggests is comes out behind the stereo possibly....


Hope that helps


1,223 posts

270 months

Friday 22nd July 2022
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Here is my thread: https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?f=12...

and solution:

I bypassed the antenna switch which provided alternating hot power to the up or down side of the old motor.

"At least one of the feeds to the 8 pin connector [in the dash behind the radio head] was constantly hot so I jumped that across to one of the 2 wires running to the aerial. The blue aerial wire from the radio plugged into the pin for the 2nd wire. I pushed the connector block back into the radio cavity."

Hope this helps. Grady


Original Poster:

1,850 posts

153 months

Sunday 24th July 2022
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Thanks fella’s
I’ll have a root around behind the radio to see if I can find anything otherwise I’ll run in a new supply