Bloomin car

Bloomin car



Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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H All,

Leisurely drive out taking in the local country lanes and scenery wink...park up water dripping, seems the core plugs have rusted through.
Are all V8 block core plugs (the 2 on either side) a standard size?

Was looking at these:

colin mee

1,198 posts

130 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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I have a leak on one of it engine out to replace them


1,223 posts

270 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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I'd think so. Can't imagine there is enough room to hammer them in situ.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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Thanks I will have a proper look at some point.
Got an oil change on one of the tin tops to do first, plus the weather is warm, although it is a fair leak.

Might try this as a summer fix...

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 8th July 07:26

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 8th July 2022
quotequote all
I have done one in situ, depends which ones are leaking.

Make sure you have enough inhibitor/antifreeze too.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Friday 8th July 2022
quotequote all
Hi Adam,

I have yet to have a look fully, however, a quick squint last night the driver's side nearest to the gearbox (bulkhead) one has signs of rust stains so assume that is one for sure.
It did look doable but I need to assess it fully.
I might try the patch for the summer runouts and have a look in the winter layoff.
Just want to use the thing periodically. Spent enough time and money on it recently. Tax / Insurance and MOT alone, plus engine electric PS pump and time.
In the time I have owned it I have spent more time on my back underneath it than sitting behind the wheel driving it.rolleyes

Will be too old to do it at some point, that's me not the car.

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 8th July 21:18