PLENUM CHAMBER 350i s2 - should this be capped?

PLENUM CHAMBER 350i s2 - should this be capped?



Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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Hi all,

Noticed an open, uncovered, inlet or outlet hole on the underside of my 350i plenum chamber, see pic below.
Can anyone tell me why it's there? And should it have a blanking plate over it?

I guess it's part of the plenum "hotspot" chamber I've read about?

As the car is a recent project and hadn't been driven for many years st the point I bought it, but it started and ran ok but was only driven a few yards prior to my resto starting.

Appreciate your views.



21,549 posts

294 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Pretty sure that is the water heater. Heating a plenum is not a good idea. Less bhp ..


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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Thanks, guess it just needs a blanking plate on it then?


6,729 posts

278 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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There's no need to blank it off, there should be no air passage through to the intake.

Chimaera and Griffs have two pipes in the same area, they are just left open to the air in TVR's application. It was there for water heated intake to prevent icing on Rovers / Land Rovers, but due to the long induction route on TVRs, not deemed necessary it seems. scratchchin


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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Grest. Cheers!

jon haines

953 posts

256 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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I took that plate of and sealed it to give more room to remove the rocker cover without having to take the plenum off. As others have said not required.

jon haines

953 posts

256 months

Monday 25th July 2022
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I have removed this from the plenum to create more space to remove the rocker cover without having to remove the plenum plus it is not required.