Wedge rear brakes

Wedge rear brakes



Original Poster:

17 posts

269 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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Can anyone help? I have an 85 350i and under hard braking the rear brakes lock up. Can you back them off a bit/are they adjustable? I have not been underneath the back as yet and wondered if anyone has a cure for this. Ive had a few nasty moments coming into roundabouts when it looked clear but wasnt when I arrived!!



21,562 posts

295 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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I don't think that there is any kind of bias (front to rear) adjustment.

It could be : fronts not working properly
rear's with agressive compound (green stuff etc..)
or just your driving - braking too dam hard in

It might be easiest to seak out a TVR expert... tower view or someone like that. It does sound un-usual.


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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There is a unit by the servo/MCylinder. Non-adjustable.

This problem can be caused by faulty front brakes or something wrong with the rears causing jamming. I had a disc brake up on me and a piece jammed in the calliper. I would look at the front first. If you have done anything to the fronts then it could be that there is the problem. New discsand pads can take time to bed in and during this time the rears can lock up as the fronts have no grip.



Original Poster:

17 posts

269 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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Rev-erend, Ive just fitted new Mintex pads to the front and the rears are just normal pads, Ive got the reciepts from the last owner. How does the handbrake work on these? Its so bad it will almost spin through 90 deg from a straight line brake with just the road camber to get it going. I dont even really have to brake that hard.



Original Poster:

17 posts

269 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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shpub said: There is a unit by the servo/MCylinder. Non-adjustable.

This problem can be caused by faulty front brakes or something wrong with the rears causing jamming. I had a disc brake up on me and a piece jammed in the calliper. I would look at the front first. If you have done anything to the fronts then it could be that there is the problem. New discsand pads can take time to bed in and during this time the rears can lock up as the fronts have no grip.


It done the same thing before I put new pads on the front. I use to get terrible brake fade but thats gone now. I better go and have a look underneath I think.



21,562 posts

295 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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The handbrake has a seperate caliper.. so ignore that
.. check fronts move freely and backs are not draking.

The rear calipers are a pig to get to and work on ... so good luck.

For info - an MOT does measure the front to rear
braking effort and they will know what it should be.

Might be worth persueing that route at a known friendly garage...