Are the relays identical

Are the relays identical



Original Poster:

65 posts

131 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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Are the relays identical (except the red relay) because I have to change all mine on my 350i (1988)

if yes, can i use this model

Thank you for your answers


17,306 posts

193 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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I think that should do the job, unless any have 5 pins?


13,798 posts

268 months

Sunday 17th July 2022
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There will be 3 types of relay in there.
Most will be 4 pin which basically switch heavy current on/off.
Some will be 5 pin (the one you picture). These basically switch a heavy current from one output to another. More expensive than the 4 pin but could serve the same function.
There is another 5 pin which switches the heavy current to 2 output pins at the same time. Used in your case in the EFI system for fuel pump etc.

So no the relay you show will not work for all positions.
All the relays will have a pin 85 & an 86. which are the coil that actuates the relay. All will have a pin 30 which is usually the heavy input.
A 4 pin will have pin 87 as the heavy output.
The first 5 pin will have 87a as the output when the relay is off and 87 as the output when the relay is on.
The other 5 pin will have 2 pins both marked 87 as the outputs.

Number all your relays then pull them one at a time to see number of pins and how they are numbered.



Original Poster:

65 posts

131 months

Wednesday 20th July 2022
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Thank you Steve for the clarity of your explanations, but as you can see from the photos, all the relays are 5 pins and the diagram is the same for all. among the 5 pins, how to recognize closed or open outputs?


3,201 posts

105 months

Thursday 21st July 2022
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Test with an ohm meter for continuity through the 'heavy' contacts with nothing connected to the coil contacts, then again with 12v across the coil contacts to close the relay.