Lower wishbone bolt?

Lower wishbone bolt?



Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Hi all,
Can anyone tell me the correct size and type of the lower wishbone bolts on my s2 350i?
I cant seem to find any online from the obvious suppliers so need to know exactly what they are spec wise?

Thanks in advance


250 posts

270 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Have a look at this thread: https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&...
It's a Cortina bolt. I had to get one from a website in Germany. None of the sites for old Ford parts in the UK seemed to have them.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Hi, yes I did see that discussion but it doesnt give much clarity unfortunately.

I intend to take the existing bolt to a local supplier and see what they can do, as the other discussion advises.

Out of interest, which German supplier did you use?



4,390 posts

292 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Ford list several on here...I am presuming front suspension
(this is not what is available but the as was list)


Edited by Adrian@ on Wednesday 29th June 06:53


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Thanks for the info, was trying to find a part number.



3,201 posts

105 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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But at least you now know that it's M12 Extra Fine (EF) and in the order of 116mm long... to get you on the road, even if only temporarily.
Ideally you want the plain shank to completely span the bush and bracket, so select a bolt on that basis, you can always lop off excess thread.
And I'd be looking for at least a 10.9


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Picked up a couple of m12 10.9 and matching castellated nuts this morning that will do the job.
Thanks all for your input.


4,390 posts

292 months

Wednesday 29th June 2022
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Would it be possible to list the part (it lists out as TVR part number 025C004A) with the thread/size/length once you have/determined it. I have a 280DH that at some point I will lift the shell up/off . TIA A@

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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Part numbers are usually not necessary, although it makes it repeatable in the short term.

Probably EF is not needed either, normal thread would be fine, assuming you also order a nut.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Friday 1st July 2022
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The ones I sourced were from a local fastner company and basically are 116mm long (not including the head) ,M12, and 10.9 grade/spec, (same as the ones taken off the car),. with a coarse 30mm long thread section and matching castellated nuts.
Anyone should be able yo find these at most good bolt distributors.
I drilled the split pin hole myself easily using g the original as a template.
Total cost £7.00 for the two bolts.