Fuel Guage

Fuel Guage



Original Poster:

26 posts

101 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Wondering if this is a common issue but my Fuel guage is pretty much useless

if i fill the tank it goes to around 3/4 then will randomly assume a position between half tank and 3/4 for the majority of the tank before dropping to 1/4 at which stage previous owner told me your on empty


3,443 posts

135 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Sounds about right to me, although on mine I need to put 4 gallons in before the gauge even twitches...... If I brim the tank it shows 3/4 full, and after a few miles in then starts jumping between 1/4 and 3/4 full. If I go around a corner at speed then the gauge drops to zero......


79 posts

80 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Yes mines the same as above, there are various damper units available which might help, I did buy one a while back but haven't got around to fitting it yet... always something more pressing to do...and it would ruin all the fun of not having any idea how much fuel is left...


2,239 posts

220 months

Tuesday 28th June 2022
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Yes, all that way annoyingly.

I fitted one of these https://spiyda.com/fuel-gauge-wizard-mk3.html, not cheap, but work and it is never annoying again.


1,223 posts

270 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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Englishman said:
I fitted one of these https://spiyda.com/fuel-gauge-wizard-mk3.html, not cheap, but work and it is never annoying again.
Cool idea. But I would never be able to tell when the tanks were full or empty. smile


397 posts

112 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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Tongue in cheek answer....confused Surely you empty the tanks at the lowest point feed to the pump (empty), then fill the tank to overflowish (full) laugh


2,715 posts

175 months

Wednesday 6th July 2022
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In every wedge I’ve had I always carry spare fuel in a steel can and a flask. If I run out of fuel at least then I know at what level on the gauge is empty and I can carry on with my journey without getting stranded.


1,223 posts

270 months

Friday 8th July 2022
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I seriously think there is a blockage between my two tanks. I have never been able to get more than ~7-8 gallons in.

Some years ago, I had the hoses replaced but they lost the instruction about making sure there were no obstructions in the tanks.


1,002 posts

169 months

Saturday 9th July 2022
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my ford powered 1984 Tasmin has a quite accurate fuel-gauge. after re-fueling it takes also some time until the gauge climbs up...means there must be a kind of "damping" device in the gauge reducing its eraticness.

my car is equipped with smiths gauges