350i Engine Mounts

350i Engine Mounts



Original Poster:

124 posts

140 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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There are two bolts attaching the mount to the support on the chassis. The chassis steel is cut at an angle to fit parallel to the angle of the mount.
My question - is the steel meant to make contact along the length of the underside of the mount, i.e. the steel supporting the mount or is the support totally taken be the two bolts. Hope someone understands the question


397 posts

112 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Original Poster:

124 posts

140 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Pictures in the link answer the question
Many thanks

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Saturday 18th June 2022
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Yes in fact I have loosened the bolts, jacked the engine up, and tightened again to give a little bit of clearance for the PAS pulley.

The support is actually the friction between the chassis plate and mount plate, clamped hard together by the bolts,