Series 1 heater valve

Series 1 heater valve



Original Poster:

15 posts

88 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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Hi guys, latest issue is my heater valve that has been (poorly) repaired in the past, what car donated this part? Any clues gratefully received


4,390 posts

292 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Your image is of two parts, the bracket and the Ranco valve ...missing is the thermostatic bulb/wire. You can still buy the internal cup and seal kit. A@


Original Poster:

15 posts

88 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Thanks for the replies, Adrian, what is the ranco valve and where is it from? I did snip a cable from the valve also

I found this pic from the bible of the valve i need, I know places like car builder solutions have a couple of valves that would fit with some fettling.


4,390 posts

292 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Depend if you are as want OE.
The factory were not building many cars with heater controls (Taimars and 3000S have a open system), the odd 3000M that required a valve ran a Ranco valve version

The early Tasmin ran twin fans and an expensive Ranco valve with sensor bulb (I presume they envisaged air-conditioning) which being copper could be modified to suit, (look up Volvo P1800) neither lasted long, '81 car get a single fan system and a VW side ported valve (Mk1 Golf/Scirocco) with an extension pipe fitted.



4,390 posts

292 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Link to the OE later valve... as this is what I have fitted to my 280DH. A@

Edited by Adrian@ on Friday 17th June 20:36

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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lyallp said:
Hi guys, latest issue is my heater valve that has been (poorly) repaired in the past, what car donated this part? Any clues gratefully received
Seeing is believing, there was more good dosh spent on sealant than a new valve would cost