350i camber?

350i camber?



Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Hi all,

Need to know if the front wheel camber settings can be adjusted on my 1986 350i ?..
I have a 4 degree out of alignement reading on my passenger side wheel.

Thanks for any info in advance.


1,315 posts

197 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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There's no camber adjustment available but if it's that far out your bushes or balljoints must be knackered. Either that or something is bent.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Thanks, I did suspect that was the case. The previous owner did fit new ball joints by thr looks of them so will break the suspension down and have a closer look. There doesnt appear to be any obviously bent components so hope it's a top or bottom ball joint issue.
Thanks again.


1,315 posts

197 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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He's maybe fitted the wrong balljoints. They should be Cortina but I think Granada ones fit.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Good point. Again il. Try and confirm.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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It seems my 350i could have either cortina or Granada top and bottom ball joints? And that there is a few mm difference between the two types? Can anyone confirm this?
This could account for my camber issue if indeed the wrong ones have been fitted to my car.
Does anyone know how I can tell which ball joints I have?
Thanks again in advance.