Gearlever removal on Early S1 280i 4 speeder

Gearlever removal on Early S1 280i 4 speeder



Original Poster:

15 posts

88 months

Friday 10th June 2022
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Hi guys a couple of weeks ago I reported my gearlever buzzing, (type 5 gearbox). I took the centre console out and then managed to undo the 3 bolts holding the gearbox top cover off yet it doesn't want to come out. I didn't want to force it just in case ball bearings and detent springs came out into the bottom of the box. The reason for the buzzing is the gearlever is only peined onto the stubby original gearlever and bit of plate steel and its loose.
I want to remove it and weld the gearlever on for a permanent fix.

Anyone else done this?



33 posts

129 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Yes I had to do this to mine. Put the three bolts back in and unscrew the large round bit where the lever goes into the box. I used an oil filter removing tool, the type that has the webbing that tightens up on itself. You can also check the two nylon bushes while it is out. I hope this makes sense.


Original Poster:

15 posts

88 months

Saturday 11th June 2022
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Thank you, I was looking at the exploded view last nigh and it makes sense.

Back to the spanners


1,223 posts

270 months

Monday 13th June 2022
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You may have to cut some notches into the rim of the round bit and uses a chisel and hammer to get it off. Definitely replace the white plastic (delrin?) bushing. Grady


Original Poster:

15 posts

88 months

Tuesday 14th June 2022
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Thanks guys, all done, re-welded lever, used a chain oil filter wrench to remove, a bit tight but not bad, plastic bush in the bottom looked good even though I had a new one I left the old one alone ( and it didnt want to come out)

Now for the next problem

Bring it on