1983 Tasmin - Front Decal or badge or nothing?

1983 Tasmin - Front Decal or badge or nothing?



Original Poster:

9 posts

32 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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Purchased my car with no front TVR badge or decal. Seller, although I am dubious claimed that the car had no badge or decal from the factory. Does anyone here know whether the car would have originally had a badge or decal on the nose. Thanks.


3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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I'm fairly certain all earlier cars had the decal and then later cars generally had the enamel badge.


Original Poster:

9 posts

32 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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KKson said:
I'm fairly certain all earlier cars had the decal and then later cars generally had the enamel badge.
KKSon, thanks for the response. I was thinking there was supposed to be some logo. Your image looks exactly like my car. I appreciate the help.


3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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Hi the decal in various colours is available from these guys who do many of the original logos. Cheers.



2,239 posts

220 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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This was my Tasmin +2 from 1980


2,026 posts

241 months

Thursday 9th June 2022
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Mine had the front sticker, although I think it took them a few years to finish it.


1,280 posts

195 months

Friday 10th June 2022
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Mine is 1986 which had the badge, but the badge looks odd on the front of a wedge in my view, I switched to a decal years ago.


1,330 posts

212 months

Friday 10th June 2022
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Mine is an 87 and has the decal - have some old pics and seems it was like that from the factory. They pretty much did whatever you want if you paid for it, I think! I prefer the decal to the badge actually.


1,002 posts

169 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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mine is a 1983 and has a front-decal.

my former 3 Tasmins (all Ford powered) had decals as well.