Definitive LT77 Gearbox Oil

Definitive LT77 Gearbox Oil



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Monday 6th June 2022
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I want to change my gearbox oil. I have a 350i with a suffix E LT77 gearbox. I have looked all across the web and it seems everyone has a view as to what is best! The Rover SD1 manual states Hypoid gear oil, SAE 75W EP (Recommends Duckhams Hypoid 75) or Type 'G' ATF to M2C 33F or M2C 33G for 'later' models (Recommends Duckhams Q-Matic)

I have no idea what a 'later' model is and the two types of oil are quite different!

What is the current recommendation?


397 posts

112 months

Monday 6th June 2022
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Well, that depends on what side of the fence you are on....

If your gearbox is working OK, then replace with the recommended oil perhaps.
However, I worked off this as my changes were notchy, when cold. So far it seems to be doing the trick. Engine oil as per the thread and half tube of molly slip.

Tip for refilling buy a pump-up plant spray from Poundland, cut the nozzle off, add a length of tube. Fill with oil, pump up and squeeze away save loads of effort in a tight space.


1,002 posts

169 months

Tuesday 7th June 2022
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i would always go for this..its worth every penny

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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Still using the Mobil 1/Moly


52 posts

48 months

Tuesday 21st June 2022
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I’ve used Castrol SMX in the past and it was always borderline. Heavy change until warm.
I’ve just had my LT77 rebuilt and the builder told me to locate an oil called Redline MT-LV. It’s American made and is a 70W/75W GL-4.

I should get the car back together this week. Will let you know how it goes.

Oh this is the guy who built the box and made the recommendation. Has a good reputation:-


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2022
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On my two previous Wedges I used the Mobil 1/ moly mix and found it far superior to the standard gear oil. No cold stiffness and lovely smooth change. Having had the SEAC gearbox recently rebuilt I went for expensive difflock oil and it is superb so I will be sticking with that from now on.


397 posts

112 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2022
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I think the heavier oils will be OK for a fresh gearbox, but for those run for an unknown time like mine slightly thinner is better. With standard (recommended oil) in mine I can barely get out of first when cold, to the point of starting in second. Changing to Adams method on a worn gearbox has breathed new life into mine and the driving experience. When (If) the gearbox gives up I would probably go with a gearbox builder's recommendations, if only to preserve any warranty given.
And the time-old debate rolls on biggrin