LT77 Rear Oil Seal

LT77 Rear Oil Seal



Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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Was there only one size/type of oil seal fitted the the rear of the LT77 gearbox? I want to replace the rear seal on my 350i and there are a lot of part numbers for a lot of different cars that used the box (TVR, SD1, RV8, Morgan, TR7/8, etc, etc) but I am assuming they are all actually the same part?

TVR part number is 035F 232A (item 26 in the attached diagram)


397 posts

112 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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Might be way off the mark, but when I looked they all seemed the same. Just different numbers from different OEM manufacturers.

Certainly suffix F and G are the same, you don't mention what you have?


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Saturday 4th June 2022
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My car is a 350i registered Aptil 1988. As for suffix, I assume you are talking about Gearbox type, of which I have no idea but it is the original onew fitted by the factory.


397 posts

112 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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On my 350i, the gearbox serial number is located on a flat section near the drain plug, driver's side (very awkward to see). The suffix denotes the revision level of the gearbox.

My serial number is 28A236646E so falls within the prefix and suffix ranges.
Info I gleaned at the time I was looking at seals:

LT77 5 Speed box fitted from 1983 to approx 1994
17A-74A Prefix
A-H Suffix

I never got around to replacing mine as the weep of oil was from the speedo drive.
However, I was merely pointing out that the same oil seal is in use along a range of gearbox suffixes. So it is likely that any LT77 2wd seal from any of those boxes will most likely fit.

Not plugging again, but if you want to speak with someone on this with good knowledge then try Rob Sport?
also the same here:

If you type in UKC3949 into fleabay and sort by lowest, you will see (as you know) that this is common over many makes, and is a listed number on Rimmer Brothers, as well as being listed as SD1 on other sites.

If you are still unsure awkward as it may be, I would suggest if you are able to, measure the shaft dia and the receiving hole on the casting?


Original Poster:

324 posts

281 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Thanks for the info. I just crawled under my car and mine is a suffix E too. I suspect over the years the seal design might have changed but the geometry stayed the same.


397 posts

112 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Yes, that kinda figures as mine was registered April 4th 1988.