Front springs

Front springs



Original Poster:

8,407 posts

248 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Hi all. Looking to get some front springs made that are a little lower than standard. Anyone gone down this route at all ?
Any links to suppliers would be marvellous.
Thanks. 👍


79 posts

80 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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On my 350i, I fitted the ACT ones last year which gives you about a finger or 2's gap between the top of the tyre and the wheel arch. I raised mine up a bit as it was making holes in my inner wheel arch and I was getting sick of repairing the exhaust.
Hope that helps


Original Poster:

8,407 posts

248 months

Thursday 2nd June 2022
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Got a set of them here too so hoping to do some experimenting. thumbup