Temp gauge- dashboard removal?

Temp gauge- dashboard removal?



Original Poster:

21,549 posts

294 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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Hi all,

After a bit of help and advice.

Temp gauge is not working. New and old sensors checked with a bit of heat from a blow torch but not a flicker on the gauge, so want to check wire continuity and voltage and earth at gauge but cannot remember how to remove dash.

Also checked the voltage at sensor wire and it's 0.07 volts which cannot be right. Engine bay wiring looks visually ok up to the bulkhead.

I've removed the air vents and presume stereo needs to be removed to get to a few nuts on the back of the veneer panel.

Does that sound about right?

Edited by rev-erend on Monday 30th May 15:37


1,002 posts

169 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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the sensor has no measurable voltage as it changes its resitance against ground.

you can make a quick check of the wiring:

remove the wire from the sensor --> report what the gauge shows
connect this wire to ground --> report what the gauge shows.

with one of the above tests the gauge should go on maximum. if not your gauge or the senor cable is fault.

this said:

what brand of gauge do you have fitted?
are you sure the sensor cable is connected to the gauge?

if its a gauge which is supplied by a voltage stabilzer than you should have also problems with your fuel-gauge....as usually this works as well with the stabilized voltage.

are you able to reach the gauge somehow? if yes, disconnect the sensor-wire and connect a loose wire to ground


250 posts

270 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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If this is the same centre panel as a 400SE, then yes, remove the stereo and there is a nut either side of the opening which holds the veneer panel on.


Original Poster:

21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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12 posts

81 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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I have a similar problem on my Griffith. I have replaced the sensor/sender but the temp gauge still is on maximum. Change gauge? Where to order? Please help.


2,715 posts

175 months

Thursday 2nd June 2022
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manfromthenorth said:
I have a similar problem on my Griffith. I have replaced the sensor/sender but the temp gauge still is on maximum. Change gauge? Where to order? Please help.
Does the gauge go to maximum as soon as you put the ignition on? Or only when the engine heats up? If it’s the former either the gauge is faulty or the wire is shorting to earth. If it’s the latter the gauge will need calibrating.


12 posts

81 months

Friday 3rd June 2022
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Super thanks for your advice! Yes, the guage goes straight to maximum as I switch on the ignition. I have no5 done any work on the car so I would be surprised if there is a short cut in the cable. I will try to replace the guage. Thanks!