Playing chase the oil leak...

Playing chase the oil leak...



Original Poster:

398 posts

113 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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Hello all,

Still plugging away at this car, my dream of drive and forget is way off the mark....Will It ever get to meet an MOT man this year?

So to old adage, cure one leak, it will move to the next certainly holds true.
So the winter work rolls on sick of being under this car.

Not driven the car far, just idling in the main. The rear oil seal seems to be holding the sump seems fine for now. big-end & main shells haven't fallen out yet biggrin.
Now oil is gushing out of the oil pump round blanking plate (sandwich plate). Quick question on this on, Is this an "O" ring or gasket? and more importantly what make? (Mocal?), and where to buy before I start the Google search.

My other winter project was to swap out the original belt-driven power steering pump for a Saxo electric one. That seems to be good as the steering is still assisted but now more weighted in feel, and the engine idles much better.

Edited by BlueWedgy on Monday 30th May 15:44


Original Poster:

398 posts

113 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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OK to answer my own question? Having removed it for a closer look.

The first ring is rubber and was squished like no tomorrow. Probably been weeping so tightened then some including me recently.
The engine facing side is fibre.

So the non-engine side can be directly replaced with a seal from an old filter. So happened that I kept the old filter for reference, so have one.
I have ordered an oil filter for 85p from Euro Car Parts to rob the "O" ring to use in place of the fibre washer. The crazy thing 1 off sealing ring is nearly 14 quid on a TVR parts website.
I will have rubber front and back, see how that goes? Might not work as the engine side may need to be stiffer the help seal the front, time will tell.
It's easy to get on and off so experimenting for me it is.

Decided to go back to the fibre washer engine side, 85p oil filter "O" ring in the outer seal works a treat. smile

Edited by BlueWedgy on Sunday 5th June 18:59

adam quantrill

11,590 posts

253 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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What filter can you get for 85p??? Seems like a billy bargain!


Original Poster:

398 posts

113 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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Hi Adam,

This one:

It's for a mini I think, but the rubber seal I needed was the same size, in fact, a perfect fit.

adam quantrill

11,590 posts

253 months

Friday 17th June 2022
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Wow - I wonder if the thread is the same too... for that price I would be changing them every 1000 miles!


Original Poster:

398 posts

113 months

Wednesday 22nd June 2022
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I think the thread is the same on all cars of a certain age. However, the filter is tiny as you would imagine probably less than half the size.