K-Jet Cologne Vacuum and ignition

K-Jet Cologne Vacuum and ignition


Stunned Monkey

Original Poster:

354 posts

219 months

Tuesday 24th May 2022
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Good evening boys and girls, I've recently taken on a bit of light engine work on a 280i which was a bit lumpy and misfiring. I'm looking for a diagram of what the vacuum routing should look like?

At the moment it looks like the dizzy is seeing manifold vacuum directly, or it would be had it not been blocked off with a ball bearing...




1,002 posts

169 months

Thursday 26th May 2022
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vacuum on dizzys is just comming into force during overrun and its manly made for saving fuel...and reduce emissions...it has nothing to do with lumpy idle...

lumpy idle on cologne engines is often related to (tight) valve clearances or on a cracked hose from metering head to plenum.

Stunned Monkey

Original Poster:

354 posts

219 months

Thursday 26th May 2022
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Thanks, I know what's causing the lumpy idle and will be correcting that, but I want to know how the vac system is supposed to be connected because it has been messed with.


17,306 posts

193 months

Friday 27th May 2022
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Try the S Series Forum, early cars had the 2.8 engine although it's "deadsville" here on PH these days, like it or not Facebook is where it all happens now.

Stunned Monkey

Original Poster:

354 posts

219 months

Friday 27th May 2022
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phillpot said:
Try the S Series Forum, early cars had the 2.8 engine although it's "deadsville" here on PH these days, like it or not Facebook is where it all happens now.
Thanks Phillpot, same is true on the Cerbera group. Early cars had carbs too. Like all K-Jet stuff, it seems to occupy a pecular window of time.