Soon to be ex-owner...

Soon to be ex-owner...



Original Poster:

6,025 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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Well folks, after 24 years of Wedge Ownership, It looks like I shall be leaving the fold ...

I decided 2 years ago that the 400SE just wasnt getting used, and to put her up for sale, but COVID stopped the sale.
PH Classifieds returned some interest, but lots of time wasters

So, today she has gone to auction at a popular car and classic site


283 posts

133 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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I was going to recommend that site Jason. It seems to be the one that is idiot free and you don't get insulting offers.

Out of interest, why have you put it up for auction rather than a Classified, as I've never had any trouble selling cars on there?

Hope you get a decent price as it looks a beaut - unfortunately my drive and garage are full :-(

Cheers, Andrew


21 posts

161 months

Wednesday 11th May 2022
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Good choice of selling site they certainly take the hassle out of it, but it does cost a bit in charges.
My 280i has attracted 3 bids on the first day with 6 and a bit days to go. Hope it doesn't stall.
Good luck with your sale it certainly looks the business.


Original Poster:

6,025 posts

293 months

Thursday 12th May 2022
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Cheers guys .. I put the car on the PH classifieds and had a few interested parties, but they were either looking for "deals" or wanted a "mint" car .. this is neither .... its a mechanically sound, very late Wedge, its been driven, and, therefore has some stone chips. I didnt want to shell out on a cheap respray, as the car deserves more, but I didnt want to go the whole hog and do a back to bare fibreglass re-paint as it doesnt really need one IMHO .. yes it has some microblisters, and the odd spider leg craze, the drivers door needs adjustment (i could never get it right ) but its never stopped me in the years ive owned and driven the car.
So rather be honest and up front about everything.

I did put it up as a classified on the same popular auction site, and again, I had some interest, but mainly from dealers who wanted a quick flip and didnt want to put money into it.

I wasnt looking to go through an auction, but they approached me. My price estimation was spot on, and while I know Ill loose about £800 on auction fees, Its money in my pocket and the car will have a new owner.
They paid for the professional pictures and while they used my original advert as the basis for the auction text, they obviously know what sells and what doesnt.

Edited by JVaughan on Thursday 12th May 12:07


21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 17th May 2022
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Very sad to hear you are selling but you had plenty of fun driving that car.


Original Poster:

6,025 posts

293 months

Wednesday 18th May 2022
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rev-erend said:

Very sad to hear you are selling but you had plenty of fun driving that car.
Sad for me too Alan, weve certainly made some memories...

No, she has been sat for a few years as life passed by, a growing family and change of Job roles means she just isnt getting used, so its the right thing to do .. Covid delayed my sale by 2 years , but I hope she finds a good home (and a good price !!)

These days, my VW Touareg is about as exciting as it gets.