Wedge Switchgear

Wedge Switchgear



Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Good morning everyone,
Does anyone have, or know of, a surplus(!) of 280i/350i steering column switchgear?
On my 280i I need the washer/wiper switch as the washer button is kaput - I've bodged a separate on/off switch for now - but it's not great.
Plus on the 350i I'm not getting high beam, and I'm pretty sure it's the switch at fault - and, as I'm sure you know, that's an MOT failure, (which is now due).
Any information would be excellent, as far as I know it's a Lucas part no. 33946/33947.
If, however, anyone has adapted a different unit to fit I'd like to know how that is done.
Many thanks.
Also has anyone discovered an easy way to remove the steering wheel without smashing your teeth out!


17,306 posts

193 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Is no high beam, an MOT fail?

loosen but don't remove the big nut when pulling a tight steering wheel off.

What car is the steering column switchgear sourced from, looks BL? AES have stock according to their website.

Edited by phillpot on Friday 15th April 05:07


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Hello mate,
Yes BL - TR7 I think, or Mini...I think it's out of stock at AES - I'll give them another ring shortly - also used on Lamborghini Countach as well, apparently!
So you'd think remanufacture would be viable.


397 posts

112 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Not sure but does the top plate un-bolt leaving individual components? Left and right stalk.
Give Rob Sport a ring they will know, as they are TR specialists. As I have said before they have come up good on prices for me recently, and may even have a second user part

have a look here:

Not the exact thing but might or might not rule out TR7?

Steering wheel, I normally loosen the nut the wobble/rock and tap stubborn steering wheels from the underside, the nut still on will stop you from smashing out the pearlies.

Edited by BlueWedgy on Friday 15th April 07:39


2,239 posts

220 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Unfortunately, as I found out the hard way, there are several variants. I had a broken collar and was advised on here that it was TR7, it wasn't. All depends on what steering column is fitted to the car, mine is an SD1 column requiring this N/A part from Rimmer Bros Haven't been able to find one anywhere yet.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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The button can be dismantled and repaired, the stalk can also be removed from the switch, have not repaired one in several years hence can't remember the full procedure

Yes some are wrong handed but all work the same, better than being stuck, use parts off a new one if need be

Edited by Polly Grigora on Friday 15th April 11:53


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Thanks folks, this is all brilliant stuff - time to spend some money!


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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The Rimmer Bros. one looks most like mine - sadly out of stock at present - so SD1.
Is no high beam an MOT fail?

Edited by tvrfund on Friday 15th April 14:38

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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tvrfund said:
The Rimmer Bros. one looks most like mine - sadly out of stock at present - so SD1.
Is no high beam an MOT fail?

Edited by tvrfund on Friday 15th April 14:38
Yes, no main beam is a fail


397 posts

112 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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The high beam has 2 positions fully on and flash. Not having driven at night probably clicked forward main beam sprung loaded pulled backwards. flash
Are both nonfunctioning or just one?

If it's both then that suggests an electrical fault elsewhere and not the switch necessarily.

Still looks to me that this can be made of the individual modules? Although that is going by pictures not having the offending item in the hand.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

119 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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If all else fails, as long as dip beam is working a relay can be wired in to get main beam back up and running

Main beam flash not working isn't an MOT fail


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Saturday 16th April 2022
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Yes, neither main beam or flash is working - got my man to come and have a look shortly - took both the light pods apart yesterday and replaced all the screws and self tappers - looks like whoever did it before had a variety box of screws! No two looked the same - better now though, WD40'd all the pivot points and changed the lights from Hellas to two new Cibie Iodes I've had for ages, getting there!


397 posts

112 months

Saturday 16th April 2022
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Seems you may have electrical issues, and the stalks could well be fine. You (or your man) will need to run a meter over the connectors to rule out non-functioning stalks?


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Sunday 17th April 2022
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BlueWedgy said:
Seems you may have electrical issues, and the stalks could well be fine. You (or your man) will need to run a meter over the connectors to rule out non-functioning stalks?
Yes i think you're right.