350i Dashboard and dials

350i Dashboard and dials



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324 posts

281 months

Thursday 7th April 2022
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Having wrestled to the point of exhaustion, I finally got to the four nuts holding my dashboard panel on and it is now off. My plan was to reveneer or similar, the cover but having removed it, I rather like to look of all the dials with their surrounds showing and it seems a shame to cover them up!

The thing is that the back cover is a bit rough and ready and not really OK to use for the only panel. So my plan is to get a local company to laser cut a new panel which has holes big enough for the instruments/vents/lights/clock to fit, similar to the existing rear panel in the picture above, but an outer edge the same profile as the original front veneer panel. Then I will cover the panel somehow and fit it with the clocks going through. Has anyone else ever done this or anything similar?


2,715 posts

175 months

Thursday 7th April 2022
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I’ve had a panel laser cut a long time ago at an engineering firm for a 400SE. My plan was different to yours as I made my dash aluminium with circular patterns and put the clocks through. However, the other option is to cover the clock rims with the veneer glued to your existing backplate, which means covering the clock rims, then buy a set of chrome bezels to fit on the outside to give the same effect, if you get my meaning.


2,739 posts

210 months

Thursday 7th April 2022
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I vinyl wrapped my back / metal plate as I also liked the dials showing