Today's daft question (Engine mount) 350i

Today's daft question (Engine mount) 350i



Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Monday 4th April 2022
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Hi all,

Being a numpty I thought I would remember what side the engine mount would be related to the chassis plate. Seems like the ole grey matter is losing cells faster than replacing. So fast forward til now, no note, no remember.
So does the engine mount blade, sit in front (towards the front of the car) or behind (towards the back of the car) in relation to the fixed chassis plate.

Thanks in advance


52 posts

137 months

Tuesday 5th April 2022
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I‘d love to see detailed photos, please.

Currently my engine is sitting on a wooden plank. I have no idea what‘s missing


3,443 posts

135 months

Tuesday 5th April 2022
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Here's a view from underneath with the gearbox off. I can always nip down to the garage and take a few more photos if required.


2,739 posts

210 months

Tuesday 5th April 2022
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Same as Keith, in front. However I did think it would be better weight distribution if it was behind lol


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Tuesday 5th April 2022
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Cheers and many thanks for the replies and pictures all good, thats how I have it and thought as I remembered it, just had niggling doubts. The prop shaft has a gap even with the slip yoke extended. I will bolt up and see how it goes and if the gap closes without force.


52 posts

137 months

Wednesday 6th April 2022
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Thanks for the pics guys. It‘s now clear, I‘m just missing the rubber mounts.