350i handbook needed !
TonytheTVR said:
I would like to find an original tvr handbook for my recent 350i project. Would anyone by chance have a handbook for one??
If so please let me know.
I am ofcourse assuming the car came with one from the factory?
Thanks in advance
Hi, yes I have an original owners handbook and an original plastic folder it came with together with and a service schedule book. I also have the original ‘tvr new vehicle limited warranty’ acknowledgement book and a tvr parts catalogue 2004 from R.T. Racing. Infact I have two service schedule books. These are the service history for that particular car. The owners handbook states on the front for 350i-280i-200 and European specification. These handbooks were standard and I believe also came with the 400 and the 450 as the ones I have came with a 400se.I would like to find an original tvr handbook for my recent 350i project. Would anyone by chance have a handbook for one??
If so please let me know.
I am ofcourse assuming the car came with one from the factory?
Thanks in advance
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