350i handbook needed !

350i handbook needed !



Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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I would like to find an original tvr handbook for my recent 350i project. Would anyone by chance have a handbook for one??
If so please let me know.

I am ofcourse assuming the car came with one from the factory?

Thanks in advance



3,443 posts

135 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Apart from a basic service manual and service schedule, rhe best manual is the Steve Heath Wedge manual. Still available new.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Got the bible, but assumed a general handbook came with the car from new? You oknow ne that tells you all the switches info etc, etc ?

Did they not have one when new ?


1,307 posts

241 months

Friday 1st April 2022
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Owners manual available to download on the tvr car club website - members area - technical - wedges


58 posts

87 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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I can only speak about my 1991 450SE. It came with a plastic folder called Owner Information, inside was the Service/Warranty Handbook and the Owners Handbook. Also included was a wiring diagram, radio book and some other bits. So it did indeed come with a hand book.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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Yeh, have seen the download copy but ideally wanted the factory one that must have come with the car.

Looks like there would have been one so if anyone ever comes across one please let me know.

Thsnks again



397 posts

112 months

Saturday 2nd April 2022
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I Have been looking for ages now on and off.
I have a downloaded version.
They pop up on fleabay now and again but tend to be a lot of money for what it is....supply and demand I suppose.


2,715 posts

175 months

Sunday 3rd April 2022
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TonytheTVR said:

I would like to find an original tvr handbook for my recent 350i project. Would anyone by chance have a handbook for one??
If so please let me know.

I am ofcourse assuming the car came with one from the factory?

Thanks in advance

Hi, yes I have an original owners handbook and an original plastic folder it came with together with and a service schedule book. I also have the original ‘tvr new vehicle limited warranty’ acknowledgement book and a tvr parts catalogue 2004 from R.T. Racing. Infact I have two service schedule books. These are the service history for that particular car. The owners handbook states on the front for 350i-280i-200 and European specification. These handbooks were standard and I believe also came with the 400 and the 450 as the ones I have came with a 400se.


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Sunday 3rd April 2022
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Do you have one for sale?




2,715 posts

175 months

Sunday 3rd April 2022
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Is it just the handbook you’re after?


Original Poster:

93 posts

35 months

Sunday 3rd April 2022
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Yeh, I have the service book etc for mine.


2,715 posts

175 months

Sunday 3rd April 2022
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PM me your offer for the owners handbook.