450SE Brake Pads

450SE Brake Pads



Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Saturday 26th March 2022
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Hi, this is my first post so I hope I have included all the info that's needed.

I have two questions regarding the pads on my 450SE, built in mid 1991.

The original pads are M171 49A (front) and M171 67A9U (rear). I'm guessing they are Mintex but I'm unsure so sent an enquiry to Mintex and other brake pad suppliers but none have replied. Also the shim on one of the M171 67A9U pads (rear) is loose and is not stuck to the pad but the other three are stuck fast.

So my first question is are these pads still available or can anyone recommend a replacement and where is the best place to purchase them from. My second question is in relation to the shim, should it be loose and all the others need releasing from the pads, or are the shims stuck to the pads from new and the loose shim is faulty as it should be stuck to the pad.



3,443 posts

135 months

Saturday 26th March 2022
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I'm sure you can get Mintex for all flavours of Wedge front brakes what calipers do you have? The original Ford vented discs with Granada calipers or the Princess 4 pots? I'm on to my third Wedge and have found Mintex 1144s for all brake variants. Regarding the rear I don't think they should have shims on them. All three of mine had pads but no shims and I don't think the donor XJS had shims either. Cheers


Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Saturday 26th March 2022
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Thanks KKson,

The front callipers are the four pot type. The rear pads on the car are the originals so the shims are the ones fitted from the factory. I have owned the car from new and it has never had replacement pads. Your suggestion of 1144 pads, are they the same as the 171 pads as fitted?

Thanks, Les


Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Thanks to KKson's information I think I am getting closer to finding what I need.

The M171 on my pads relates to the material and not the pad shape. KKsons suggestion of M1144 is the friction material type, so now I need to understand about pad shapes.

Is the 49A and 67A9U the pad shape? If so how do I find out what their equivalent code is today, as I can't find any reference to them on the internet.



52 posts

137 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Are these your front brakes ?


Parts for TVR‘s show quite a few possibilities


I‘ve had a load of stuff off them & give them 2 thumbs up.

Edited by 62stevew on Monday 28th March 16:10


Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Hi 62stevew,

They are indeed.

Thank you, that has helped a lot.



Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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Latest on the brakes. Replaced the rear pads today - same fault exists. Once pressure is applied and then released the rears do not release the pressure but the fronts do. The pistons are fine and move back into their bores with very little pressure.

Any advice? my thoughts are it's either the master cylinder or the G valve located below it, not sure which one. Are they easy to repair?

I have got an answer to the shim dilemma though. Had an email today from Mintex Classic and they said " The shims can be stuck back onto the pad using a heat resistive adhesive. The shim is there to reduce the possibility of noise (squeal)." At least I know the shims are suppose to be there smile


3,443 posts

135 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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It could well be the brake bias valve sticking. Not sure if they can be taken apart but several lads have replaced with the TVR Griffith bias valve as originals are not available.


Original Poster:

58 posts

87 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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I’ll start tomorrow by draining the system down and working my way to it. I’ll keep you all updated.
