350i Expansion Tanks

350i Expansion Tanks



Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Saturday 5th March 2022
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Hello folk,
So, the 350i has been brought back to life after an almost 2 year hiatus, due in part to Covid 19!!
However, what I need is some pictures of how the 2 expansion tanks are mounted in a 350i - I've botched up a couple of universal brackets, but they look crap.
Can original parts be found/bought, or do I need to try and make something up? Or does anybody have some spares knocking about?
Any ideas, improvement, etc. gratefully received - I'd just like it to look nicer.


3,443 posts

135 months

Saturday 5th March 2022
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Hi Jez I'm a bit confused? The 350i and all Wedges have just the one expansion tank on the cooling system. Tank is a Ford Capri item. They do come up on ebay occasionally but several lads have either used an alternative or modified to run the Griffith system.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Saturday 5th March 2022
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Hello mate, original fitment was a Ford Capri expansion tank plus what looks like (and is) a screenwash bottle, because the Capri tank couldn't cope with the V8s amount of coolant, so TVR thought another tank would do!
The theory being it takes any excess when hot, and returns by capillary action when cooler.
On the plus side, it let's you know when a gasket has blown as it fills both tanks!


397 posts

112 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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I only have one expansion tank on mine, and it runs fine temperature-wise, even on the hottest summer day and spirited driving.
Original owner picture attached (tank bottom middle).

Expansion tank.


3,443 posts

135 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Ah, I understand the question now. Main sealed expansion tank is Ford Capri. The overflow bottle is a TR7 screenwash tank. This is not pressurised. The idea is that this has a few inches of water in it. If the expansion tank relieves then it goes into the overflow tank. When it cools down the submerged pipe allows coolant to be drawn back into the expansion tank, rather than air. Search Glen Wilson and his SEAC rebuild. He's used a modified Griffith header chamber which gets rid of the two plastic tanks.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Yes, a lot of people have changed to single tanks, makes sense, and looks neater, basically what I need is a larger tank that fits the gap.
Thanks, for your help.


12,789 posts

268 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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BlueWedgy said:

I only have one expansion tank on mine, and it runs fine temperature-wise, even on the hottest summer day and spirited driving.
Original owner picture attached (tank bottom middle).

Expansion tank.
That looks like the second tank at the bottom right of your picture.


12,789 posts

268 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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KKson said:
Ah, I understand the question now. Main sealed expansion tank is Ford Capri. The overflow bottle is a TR7 screenwash tank. This is not pressurised. The idea is that this has a few inches of water in it. If the expansion tank relieves then it goes into the overflow tank. When it cools down the submerged pipe allows coolant to be drawn back into the expansion tank, rather than air.
Yes, that's the theory. I found that it worked quite well but the TR7 bottle needed to be removed and emptied into the Capri one from time to time.


3,203 posts

105 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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TA14 said:
KKson said:
Ah, I understand the question now. Main sealed expansion tank is Ford Capri. The overflow bottle is a TR7 screenwash tank. This is not pressurised. The idea is that this has a few inches of water in it. If the expansion tank relieves then it goes into the overflow tank. When it cools down the submerged pipe allows coolant to be drawn back into the expansion tank, rather than air.
Yes, that's the theory. I found that it worked quite well but the TR7 bottle needed to be removed and emptied into the Capri one from time to time.
...which indicates an air leak somewhere in the cap/neck of the pressure vessel, or the pipe to and dip-tube into the atmo vessel. Coolant is being expelled on expansion, but air is being drawn back in on contraction.


397 posts

112 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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TA14 said:
That looks like the second tank at the bottom right of your picture.
No that's the washer bottle.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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TA14 said:
Yes, that's the theory. I found that it worked quite well but the TR7 bottle needed to be removed and emptied into the Capri one from time to time.
Yes to be honest, I've had to do that too, it's very hard to get a completely airtight seal on a push fit washer bottle cap - a screw cap would work better.


3,203 posts

105 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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It shouldn't be airtight! ...air needs to ebb and flow in step with the ebb and flow of the coolant.
The system would work perfectly well with no cap, the pipe just needs to go to the bottom of the bottle.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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As Twinkam says the overflow bottle is open to atmosphere with a few inches of water in it. The outlet tube from the expansion tank is submerged at the bottom so if there is any vacuum in the expansion tank, it draws water back. I have never had to empty the overflow tank on any of my Wedges so do check that the outlet hose from the expansion tank to overflow bottle is sealed. I put a small jubilee clip on it where it exits the expansion tank to ensure a seal on the pipe.


12,789 posts

268 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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KKson said:
As Twinkam says the overflow bottle is open to atmosphere with a few inches of water in it. The outlet tube from the expansion tank is submerged at the bottom so if there is any vacuum in the expansion tank, it draws water back. I have never had to empty the overflow tank on any of my Wedges so do check that the outlet hose from the expansion tank to overflow bottle is sealed. I put a small jubilee clip on it where it exits the expansion tank to ensure a seal on the pipe.
Even in theory it doesn't work properly. Car gets hot, expansion tank blows out air then water into the overflow which already has some water in it. Car then cools and sucks back the lost volume and fills it with all water: too much water now in the expansion tank smile

It never works that efficiently anyway.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Well I'm on to my third Wedge and in my 8 years of ownership it has so far worked without issue and without needing to ever empty the overflow bottle. I therefore will stick with my practical experience.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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Drifting a bit off original subject, can any of you lovely people show me pictures of how your tank(s) are mounted - so I can blatantly plagiarise your ideas!
Many Thanks!
I'm considering an aftermarket 2.5 litre stainless steel "universal" tank - any imput?


261 posts

251 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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My capri one developed a pin hole which sprayed me in the face when I stopped due to broken throttle cable.. Tried fixing it to no avail so went with the Mercedes Benz replacement which I got from ebay. The problem was I had to make the brackets where one was easy, the other not so and I had to make it hang onto the level switch. It works fine but I also had to buy some reducing connectors to get the output pipe down to the right size.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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That looks great, very tidy.


261 posts

251 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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Here's a better photo. Remembered I had ro buy a shaped silicon hose to take the output back towards the front.


Original Poster:

38 posts

226 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Yes, that looks great, and, I assume works well?
Fits perfectly.
So, which model Mercedes?