The Late Peter Wheeler

The Late Peter Wheeler


adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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I couldn't believe it, driving the wedge today I passed a van from this outfit:


1,773 posts

69 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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And obviously nothing to do with TVR, unless PW has been reincarnated as a 40 something decorator from Milton Keynes.

adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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How do you know Lucy, it might be a relation? :-)


1,773 posts

69 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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And even if this relation, who happens to have the same name as his late Uncle 4 times removed or whatever, what has that go to do with a man who once owned TVR?

A name on a van? What is the point of telling anyone on here as it has nothing to do with TVR does it?


27,352 posts

241 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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It's just a nice little coincidence to see it when driving a TVR.

A little trip down memory lane for a few minutes doesn't do any harm.

adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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1,773 posts

69 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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It isn't memory lane though, because it has nothing to do with PW of TVR or TVR.

When you see a Thatcher's cider truck, do you think of a former Prime Minister, and post some nonsense on a political forum, and then contrive some more nonsense to suggest that the cider people might be related to Margaret?

Didn't think you did!


27,352 posts

241 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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LucyP said:
It isn't memory lane though, because it has nothing to do with PW of TVR or TVR.

When you see a Thatcher's cider truck, do you think of a former Prime Minister, and post some nonsense on a political forum, and then contrive some more nonsense to suggest that the cider people might be related to Margaret?

Didn't think you did!
Who's rattled you cage?

My partners surname is Thornton and every time I pass a Thornton's chocolate shop guess what.

If you don't like it you can always be miserable on the TVR thread and leave this one be smile

adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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So this is PistonHeads » Gassing Station » TVR » Wedges

And I was driving a Wedge. A 400SX no less.

So yes, this story does have something to do with Wedges. And TVR's.

As for your Thatcher's analogy, no, of course I wouldn't, I'd make them pull over, and then drink the whole lot.


27,352 posts

241 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Accountants are always miserable buggers, apart from our Eric of course.


3,443 posts

135 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Hang on, this is the Wedge forum, not the general gassing area. A place of fun and sarcasm for like minded Wedgists. Who let these non Wedge miserable sods into our room.........


8,407 posts

248 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Keep your knickers on Lucy... hehe


4,366 posts

221 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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I wonder if they will have a nice selections of curetons