HELP! 280i gearbox rebuild/replace?

HELP! 280i gearbox rebuild/replace?



Original Poster:

1,310 posts

200 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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My Wedge gearbox decided to be rather unhappy last year, since then i've been trying to find a place that can rebuild it or a replacement.

Its a ford Type 9 (Transit?) 5 speed gearbox, if anyone has any pointers they would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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Hi Norman, long time since we last met up. Hope all is well. I use a local company called Geartech. They have rebuilt both the diff and gearbox on my SEAC recently and they did an excellent job. I know that can arrange courier collection so might be worth giving them a call. They charged £550 for the gearbox rebuild, but it was a LT77 unit. I'm guessing there must be someone nearer to you though. Cheers.