Anti Rattlle spring and plunger

Anti Rattlle spring and plunger



Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Well, another thing missing from the pot of things missing.

Does anyone have the said parts knocking about in the drawer of small spare parts? Items 5 & 6 on roughly page 180 of the Wedge Parts Manual.
Or does anyone have dimensions of the spring and plunger?



612 posts

270 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Haven't got access to my wedge bible at the moment but is this what you want?



Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Sunday 20th February 2022
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Yep that's the Kitty.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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TBH you can leave it off, it doesn't really do anything.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Hi Adam,

I guess that is so, as it has not been there since the day I got it. However, as the car is in such a state of disassembly at the moment, and the part is a packet of crisps and a beer I may as well put it in.
The one on fleabay is from RobSport, the same place as my clutch plate, they have both, so will be up your way Saturday picking them both up.
The rest of the parts should arrive any day soon from LRJ Direct. Once done and confirmed as OK, I will add all the bits to the Wedge part numbers section at some point.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Tuesday 1st March 2022
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RobSport clutch in hand, in all honesty does not look all that different from the old one, still better safe than sorry.

Well LRJ are a waste of space, wait a week for parts to turn up then get the order canceled on Monday, this despite contacting them on the Friday before, not impressed. My advice steer well clear.
Parts reordered from Paddocks, lets hope they turn up this time.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Wednesday 2nd March 2022
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What pressure plate are you fitting? Mine has started slipping occasionally under max power and I bet the clutch plate is fine, probs the pressure plate is losing the will to live. Mine was Bork+Beck which are usually the best.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Thursday 3rd March 2022
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Hi Adam,

In all honesty, I am refitting the pressure plate, as the whole clutch that came off appeared in good fettle. The mating surfaces of the pressure plate and flywheel are very good. The pressure plate that came off just had some numbers on it no manufacturer.
Back in the day much worse was reused. I do very little local summer evening miles in any case.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Monday 7th March 2022
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Please get some photos of the numbers, I might recognise it.


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Tuesday 8th March 2022
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Hi Adam,

Picture of the numbers....