390 spoiler on 350 ?

390 spoiler on 350 ?



Original Poster:

34 posts

291 months

Monday 16th July 2001
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I''ve got a 1989 350i and I,ve been trying to find out if I can get a series 1 390se front spoiler (like the one on Steve Heaths 390) for it. My local dealer rang TVR who told him it wouldn''t fit ! Why? The bodywork looks identical and I remember seeing a blue 350i in the pages of a classic car magazine a couple of years ago which had one fitted. Anyone got one for sale?


52 posts

293 months

Tuesday 17th July 2001
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It does fit, my 87 350i S2 had it as a factory option together with the SE bonnet, mirrors and brakes. Try TET mouldings (I think they are on the webring).


2,869 posts

291 months

Wednesday 18th July 2001
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Mr. White. If you are seriously thinking of fitting the spoiler, please drop me a mail at the following address:- wedgewebmaster@yahoo.co.uk regards Mike Mica Blue 350i


Original Poster:

34 posts

291 months

Thursday 19th July 2001
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Cheers Rob- I'm convinced its a straight-forward bolt-on job. Wedgie- it probably creates more drag as well because it channels far more air towards the engine-bay area. Theres a very early white 390 for sale down the road and to me the front end just looks far better. Mike - yes I'm serious. As ever the factory was a waste of time. After telling HHC(Hexham) it wouldn't fit the first time, they then said they'd junked the mould ! So I tried TET, but they only do panels for 350, 400 and S. So I tried Wedge Automotive who couldn't help either. HHC suggested David Gerald, who then suggested the TVR Centre, who then referred me back to David Gerald. So after reading here that Tower View rebuilt a front end for Steve Heath I rang them - the girl said they couldn't help but referred me to Dave Wallis who's not sure yet whether he has a mould. BLOODY HELL - look after front spoilers 390 owners!