Head lamp pods

Head lamp pods



Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Monday 24th January 2022
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When I connected the battery the passenger headlamp rose?
When I switch on the headlights the drivers headlamp rises as it should and the passenger goes back down.
What's the easiest way to rectify the passenger?
If you manually wind it down will it then go up the next time its energized?


12,837 posts

269 months

Monday 24th January 2022
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There are a number of articles and discussions on the Wedge FAQ. IIRC bad earthing is the first thing to check.


398 posts

113 months

Tuesday 25th January 2022
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Plenty on pods if you search.

have a look at this one:



8,411 posts

249 months

Tuesday 25th January 2022
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BlueWedgy said:
Plenty on pods if you search.

have a look at this one:

Yes, very helpfull info in there. Mine weren't rising at all. In the end I had to pop the motors out & clean the contacts within the motor...


Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

120 months

Tuesday 25th January 2022
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jack350 said:
When I connected the battery the passenger headlamp rose?
When I switch on the headlights the drivers headlamp rises as it should and the passenger goes back down.
What's the easiest way to rectify the passenger?
If you manually wind it down will it then go up the next time its energized?
Did the passenger pod do anything when you switched the headlights off? It matters much


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Wednesday 26th January 2022
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Yes - When you turn the lights on, left goes down and right goes up. When you switch them off left goes up and right goes back down as it should.
Not altered any of the wiring. My thought is to perhaps manually wind the left pod down, so the 'up' contact is then engaged ready for switch on?

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

120 months

Wednesday 26th January 2022
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Arm is 180 degrees out?


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Wednesday 26th January 2022
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Thanks for your help
I will try that later - good thing is with it being the passenger side the arm is more accessible from the engine compartment


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Saturday 29th January 2022
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Took off the arm and rotated through 180 degrees
When you now switch on the headlights the passenger now goes up, then down, then up again though stays up?
When you switch off it goes down normally and stays down
Drivers side still working perfectly
Any thoughts?


398 posts

113 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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If it was working previously then it is unlikely that would have been wrong. I would put it back and ensure it is set as per the articles.
As mentioned try cleaning the innards including the contacts. It is probably not seeing all the when up / when down signals via the harness.

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

120 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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The up position contact in the motor is failing, contact should open when pod is up but isn't always doing so


The motor is running on past its park position due to a faulty relay or its wiring not earthing the motor to achieve electric braking

See below how 1 relay contact is connected directly to earth and the motor earths to that contact when the relay is switched off, this stops motor run-on

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

120 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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Can't remember if manually turning a motor in the wrong direction causes damage to the contact actuator pin


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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Thanks for the reply
I'm going to disconnect the arm and see what happens in the motor movement
Before I disconnected the am and moved through 180 degrees although it was out of sync it just went up and down out of sync ?


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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Thanks for the reply
I'm going to disconnect the arm and see what happens in the motor movement
Before I disconnected the am and moved through 180 degrees although it was out of sync it just went up and down out of sync ?

Polly Grigora

11,209 posts

120 months

Monday 31st January 2022
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Mmmm, it does make one think that the moving of the arm is preventing the park mechanism from working correctly

The park contacts must have been working correctly before moving the arm because the pod was parking in the upper and lower positions

Good idea in disconnecting the arm and having a look at what's happening without it

adam quantrill

11,590 posts

253 months

Tuesday 1st February 2022
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Maybe there's a problem with the relay or wiring on that side?

Usually the relay energises to switch voltage to signal 'up' and ground to signal 'down' (or it might be vice versa correct me it I'm the wrong way round).

Anyway, if the relay is working the wrong way round, or instead the wiring feeding the relay has somehow got reversed (maybe it fell out of the relay box and was reinserted the wrong way around) the pod will signal to the motor in the wrong sense.

Just some more things to fry your brain with considering...!!!


Original Poster:

124 posts

141 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Thank for all the advice
I will take another look at the weekend


4,395 posts

293 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Missing from my 280DH are the plastic covers/trim a special to TVR...happy to buy a pair or one that I could then copy. A@


3,228 posts

106 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Polly Grigora said:
Can't remember if manually turning a motor in the wrong direction causes damage to the contact actuator pin
Hi Penny! byebye
...you back in the UK now then?