carb conversion

carb conversion



Original Poster:

1,902 posts

185 months

Sunday 23rd January 2022
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yes or no

how hard

which one etc

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Sunday 23rd January 2022
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No, fix the EFi. Or upgrade it.

EFi is more economical on the cruise AND can give more power at WOT.

We had a guy removing the EFi due to intermittent running problems a few years ago and then it turned out the root cause was elsewhere, if I am not mistaken after a change of ownership it went back in. I'll see if I can find the thread.


30 posts

50 months

Wednesday 26th January 2022
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I'm on my second carb conversion (Updated inlet manifold and 500 CFM Edelbrock AVS2 and 123 Ignition). I changed over purely for throttle response, ease of maintenance and non-start fault finding. I did this in support of dropping in a 4.6 and despite a few teething prbblems, the car starts and revs brilliantly. If you need more info drop me a line.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 26th January 2022
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I'm with Adam. The EFi system is simple and effective. There's only a few things to go wrong on it. All of my issues in the past with engine running have been HT related - three dead ignition modules, 2 dead coils, two sets of HT leads and one dead rotor arm. One camshaft missing a lobe, completely.... I kid you not. Oh, and a shed load of bad earths.......