Mounting HVAC controls to the Centre Console

Mounting HVAC controls to the Centre Console



Original Poster:

343 posts

71 months

Monday 17th January 2022
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Hi all

I have been invited to play surgeon on a rather pretty Wedge that was found in bits, and I'm trying to put it back together. The short is I can't for the life of me figure out how the fan/heater controls mount to the centre console fascia. To me it looks like there's a bracket missing, but I couldn't see anything in the parts catalogue.

Any help/advice/guidance? TIA


3,443 posts

135 months

Monday 17th January 2022
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I pulled the dash out of my SEAC the other year and took loads of photos. I'll dig them out and post later. The heater quadrant bolted to a plate that sits behind the main veneered plate.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Monday 17th January 2022
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I had mine apart too. In my case there were a bunch of washers used as spacers between the controls and the plate.

Probably 3 or 4 washers per bolt!


3,443 posts

135 months

Monday 17th January 2022
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Here is a photo of the steel plate in my SEAC with the mounting holes for the heater control quadrant. You can clearly see the round mounting holes either side of the horizontal slots. The quadrant was held in with countersunk headed set bolts which sat flush at the front, then as Adam says, there were 3 or 4 washers on the back of the bolts, then the quadrant and then finally a further washer and backing nut. Looking at yours I think the short vertical slots are the mounting holes which would allow some vertical movement for alignment. Cheers.


Original Poster:

343 posts

71 months

Tuesday 18th January 2022
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Spot on, thank you kindly for the photos. Super helpful!