


jon haines

Original Poster:

953 posts

256 months

Wednesday 5th January 2022
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I have decided not to renew my insurance with Heritage and i am after views on who to switch to please guys.


3,443 posts

135 months

Wednesday 5th January 2022
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Adrian Flux for my SEAC. 5000 miles, agreed value and only £93 for the year.


397 posts

112 months

Thursday 6th January 2022
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Lancaster for me £85 last renewal, I have mine set at 2000 miles, no extras.


1,280 posts

195 months

Wednesday 12th January 2022
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I have been with Heritage for many years, Both the Wedge and my MG (Sorry) are due early march,
They have been increasing a bit every year in the last few years, and unless it falls this year, I plan to shop around,
last year £ 193 for both

Heritage have always been easy on sorting agreed value and not charging at all or very little for mods


89 posts

65 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Sterling insure my '89 350i, value £7000 at 8k per year, always in the £90s.