Windscreen washer motor

Windscreen washer motor



Original Poster:

124 posts

140 months

Saturday 1st January 2022
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Firstly - happy new year to you all. Lest hope this is the year we all finally 'escape' COVID and are allowed to get back on with life.
Had the car resprayed, as a result some locating holes now missing. can see the three on the bulkhead for the washer bottle mount, but can't see anything for the motor.
Where is this generally located?


3,443 posts

135 months

Sunday 2nd January 2022
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On all of my Wedges it is screwed down with self tappers on the flat section immediately in front of the washer bottle. If you need a photo then shout. Cheers


Original Poster:

124 posts

140 months

Sunday 2nd January 2022
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That's great - thanks
Wasn't sure if it was maybe around the corner where the expansion tank is.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Tuesday 4th January 2022
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After a few attempts on eBay I found a reliable one that doesn't spill its guts in sub-zero conditions. For £3 delivered.
So I bought 2, and haven't yet needed the spare!

But - that was in 2014, and the same ones aren't coming up on ebay now.