Outrigger JIG

Outrigger JIG



Original Poster:

21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Hi All,

When I replaced by outriggers I build a JIG out of steel.

Happy to lend it out to fellow wedge owners if it would help.

It will probably fit 390 / 400 / 420 430 / SEAC models.

I will add a photo later.


Original Poster:

21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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3,203 posts

105 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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Nice! thumbup

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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When I did mine I chopped it off half way along the tubes, and then made a wooden jig around it. I then built a replica tack-welded initially, in the jig. It still didn't fit and I had to adjust the tubes a couple of times to get it just right. When those tubes are properly welded in they only move 1-2mm with a lot of force, so not much adjustment possible.

Also I found that the big square tube bent where I welded on the central tube. Rather than do it all again I persuaded it back straight with the sledgehammer.

When joining it back on I added internal sleeves on all 4 joints, it was a pain to get the new outrigger to fit over, but it gives a more pleasing end result.

Finally, after doing 1 side, the body sits higher on that side. Obviously over time the outrigger had slumped a bit, and I might take out some packing. So I think I will have to do the other side soon!