Location of swirl pot

Location of swirl pot



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Tuesday 15th October 2002
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Could anyone tell me where the petrol swirl pot is located on a trailing arm wedge? As it feeds from the two tanks I would assume it should go somewhere in that area but there doesn't seem alot of room with the propshaft. I am also assuming that height wise it should be between the outlets of the tanks and the input to the fuel pump, again this would narrow down the possible location.
I can't see any reference in the bible.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 15th October 2002
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Mine is next to my fuel pump & filter from memory



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 15th October 2002
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Mine was as well but above and a tad forward. up by 3-4 inches and forward by 4ish?


1,196 posts

274 months

Tuesday 15th October 2002
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Recently replaced mine on a 400, its situated between the 2 tanks to right hand side of the prop looking from the rear of the car.Only a short length of hose from the drivers side tank outlet,the passenger side is a long hose passing over the prop.Just follow the 12mm hose from the fuel pump you cant miss it!

If you want to see a picture e-mail me.
