Can you tell what it is yet?

Can you tell what it is yet?


adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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After a caning


8,407 posts

248 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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You made the jump to light speed?

Is it a petrol powered laughter machine?


19,453 posts

292 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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temperature photo?
Plenum in the foreground?


3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 18th November 2021
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Toasty plenum and supercharger. Very nice


3,203 posts

105 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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Frame it. Hang it.


772 posts

223 months

Friday 19th November 2021
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Cool, I like it smile


19,453 posts

292 months

Friday 19th November 2021
quotequote all
chj said:
Cool, I like it smile
Nah, hot.....

Classic Chim

12,424 posts

159 months

Friday 19th November 2021
quotequote all
adam quantrill said:
After a caning

Have you tried driving it fast then quickly taking a picture to see how hot or cool the charger/ plenum gets on a run. On my N/a Chim 450 after a spirited drive of an evening the plenum is stone cold but within 2 minutes of standing it’s very hot.
Great image and a great way to see how hot that air is entering the engine during a run. scratchchin lol

After a caning, oh got you. That’s ruddy hot thumbup

Edited by Classic Chim on Friday 19th November 20:42

adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Wednesday 15th December 2021
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"Have you tried driving it fast" ha ha haaaaa!


21,549 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st December 2021
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I would love to see the owner in shot..

Would be be cool or hot


adam quantrill

Original Poster:

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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Bits would be cool, other bits hot, Alan!