400SE G731RRN

400SE G731RRN


ric p

Original Poster:

619 posts

278 months

Wednesday 6th October 2021
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Was sorting through old photos and found this. Can’t remember where it was taken but it is my old mica red 400SE. I had it back around 2005 ish, swapping a 4.3 Chimaera with a chap in Glasgow.

It was sold to get a blue Ferrari 328 GTS. However my then 4yo son and I had great fun for a few years and it did a couple o& LM trips without issue.

I see it is still MOT-ed. Hope it is still being enjoyed as I still have a soft spot for the late Wedges.

Edited by ric p on Wednesday 6th October 19:53

Edited by ric p on Wednesday 6th October 19:54


772 posts

222 months

Thursday 7th October 2021
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Hi. I'm pretty sure this was mine in about 2011 ish. I bought it from a guy near Halifax called Richard. He had put a new (John Eales) engine in. I kept it for about a year and had a repaint in that time and I sold it (to pay for a SEAC) to a chap called Simon ... he changed the plate to G8RWL ...


Simon sold it not that long ago from memory and is now back on the G731RRN plate ... there was a post on one of the facebook wedge pages a few months about it being at DG Sports Cars I think.

Snow Mole

175 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th October 2021
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I bought this from Ric P - it was a cracking car.
The day I collected it we were living in Durham, so got a flight from Newcastle to Bristol, Train to somewhere in deepest Somerset and then Ric collected me and my 10 year old son to his home.

The drive back was uneventful - all 365 miles! Did a couple of Classic Le Mans and then I blew the engine. Decided to take it to JEMS Race engineering as Jon worked with TVR on a number of projects. We fitted a "Special" engine from John Eales which improved the performance.

We moved to Sheffield and it was looked after by Richard Thorpe - a great guy who I whiled away the hours discussing all things TVR

After a back injury I sold it to Chris who took it to the next level and I think that it is still on the road.



16 posts

143 months

Sunday 30th October 2022
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Just seen this post. I bought this from Nick at DG Sportscars (Redditch) in Dec 2021. They had it there in the workshop for a while completing a refurb for me. I can confirm that the John Eales engine is still going very well and performs extremely well. I still have some jobs to complete such as new roof, seat refurb and a few other items but it is a lovely car that never ceases to put a smile. If you have any other history or information I would really sourcing it. (Steve)


772 posts

222 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Gozz said:
Just seen this post. I bought this from Nick at DG Sportscars (Redditch) in Dec 2021. They had it there in the workshop for a while completing a refurb for me. I can confirm that the John Eales engine is still going very well and performs extremely well. I still have some jobs to complete such as new roof, seat refurb and a few other items but it is a lovely car that never ceases to put a smile. If you have any other history or information I would really sourcing it. (Steve)
Nice one. I am pleased it is still going very well ... funnily enough I very recently posted a picture of it from 10 years ago on the facebook "friendly TVR wedge group". I think there was a pretty thick invoice file with it when I had it. Snowmole did loads of work to it including chassis refurb and the new engine. I had it resprayed to sort out paint blemishes, and only sold it as I was able to buy a 420seac and couldn't keep both. thumbup


16 posts

143 months

Sunday 6th November 2022
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It’s still got a good thick history file fortunately. Thanks to you for posting as it’s nice to hear from a couple of previous owners